

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Singing with Mommy

The ABC's, The Itsy Bitsy Spider & Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

"I drum!"

Trusten: "What's Trusten doing?"
Mom: "I don't know - what's Trusten doing?"
Trusten: "I drum!"

Visiting the Murray's in MI

Trusten had lots of fun playing on the Murray's playground and visiting with Seamus, Sean and Maggie and Brian - and so did we!

First time on the tire swing!

We brought home a hand-me-down horsey from the Murray's that Trusten is in love with!

Da Bears!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Daddy goes fishing and Gram & Grandpa visit

eating prunes and chomping on my fingers!

taking a bath

happy birthday grandpa!

johnny and gram

love you grandpa!

at kohls children's museum

putting tiles on the roof

loading up the "rocks"

using the wheelbarrow to transport the "rocks"

new fire truck pj's!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

End of summer fun

 playing with johnny

wearing silly glasses

LOVING his new train table and train set from Grandma & Grandpa!!

coloring with Ante in Cedar Lake

the budding artist

being silly with daddy

playing with johnny's excersaucer

birthday cake for a 2 year old!

our friend Kaleigh made the cake ~ it looked and tasted amazing!

Trusten's 2 year old photo shoot

love love love!