

Friday, April 27, 2012

Here's Johnny!

And finally here are some pics of our little baby Johnny. He is a wonderful baby and he's growing so fast! He went for his 2 week old check up and he already weighed 9lbs 7oz! The doctor was very impressed and said that obviously he is eating well!

Big Brother Trusten

Trusten is becoming a wonderful big brother. He is very caring and loving and worries about baby Johnny when he cries. He wants to help out all the time and is very gentle with the baby. He loves to point out the baby's eyes, nose, ears, mouth and belly button. I'm sure he'll be super excited when he can finally entertain the baby and eventually even play with him! Here are some pics of Trusten being a good big brother!

Fun with Gram and Grandpa!

Trusten has so much fun when Gram and Grandpa visited from California!

We're back!

Sorry it's been so long since we updated our page! We are pleased to announce that Trusten is now a big brother! John Louis Dentzer was born on 4/9/12 at 8:36pm weighing in at 8lbs, 12oz (2oz less than Trusten was when he was born) and 21.5 inches long (.25 longer than Trusten!) So he's going to be a big boy too - maybe taller than Trusten even - and Trusten is pretty much a full head taller than everyone else his age! Here are some pics of John in the hospital!